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Soldiers Settlement Claim

Above is the clan of the Peterson and McNeights.
New Zealand Government Committed Treason
1914 - to present date
The Petersons and McNeights were looking towards a new future having suffered the losses of the First World War.
The government of the day had made a tough, but fair offer to New Zealand returned soldiers under the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act of 1915 ; Special Tenure on soldiers' ballot . It was to support returned veterans with land packages with the rights in perpertuity of an on-going 66 year lease, with the right of purchase under Section 4.
Waimiha presented such an opportunity for both families.

The Petersons and McNeights had already put down roots in the King Country as dairy farmers in early 1900's as one of the first pioneering families in Mokauiti Valley. My Great Grandparents Henry and Ruth Peterson arrived after the McNeights around 1910, as experienced farmers. Both sought to establish a foot-hold and break in the land.

Many families throughout New Zealand had suffered the loss of loved ones as a consequence of Gallipoli and the European conflicts during the Great War. So it was for Hugh and Fanny McNeight whose only son William George had lost his life at the end of the war (1/10/1918) in France. This left only their remaining daughter, Marjorie.

My grandfather William Magnus Peterson, followed his fellow patriots to sign up for the First Expeditionary Forces with the 4th Waikato Mounted Rifles, then transferred to the 11th then remained in the 13th North Auckland Mounted Rifles, 1914, destined to fight in Gallipoli.

Upon his return, wounded late1915, and because of the close relationship between families, William Magnus Peterson was to marry Marjorie Spence McNeight.
Both families were from farming backgrounds.
With the Soldiers' Ballot, William Magnus Peterson under The Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act of 1915, took the opportunity to start afresh in farming, under Special Tenure, Section 4. Class 2 Land, with the Right of Purchase.
Date: 1916 - 1917 By: New Zealand. Department of Lands and Survey. Auckland District Office; New Zealand. Printing and Stationery Department; Mackay, John, 1851-1937; Glenn, D, fl 1917-1925; Valuation New Zealand
A poster-plan map consisting of two maps of similar size, 'Hurakia Survey District, sections in Block V' and 'Ongarue Survey District, sections in Blocks V, VI, IX and X'. Both maps are in Auckland Land District no. 1377, and depict lands open for sale or lease to discharged soldiers under the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act of 1915, both indicate numbered sections and include acreages with the original owner's names and dates handwritten in each section.
The poster also has a small locality plan of the area from Helensville to Waiouru. The map includes several paragraphs of text stating conditions of sale, information about the 'second class land', instructions to applicants and abstract of conditions.
The cadastral map of the Hurakia Survey District depicts the handwritten names MJ Dynan, WM Peterson, J Sheely, WK Wilton, and identifies the timber reserve as Provincial State Forest 'Gaz. 1922 p. 1634. The cadastral map of the Ongarue Survey District have handwritten names with Hayward Timber Company, MW Hunter, D Fraser, WR Munro, HR Lamb, A Gall, C Dow, KM Dickson, JA Nicol, WD Gillanders, FA Drake, WJ Devereaux, RE Longden, DM McDonald, GHM Rae,

The particular acreage that William and Marjorie had been allotted through a ballot in Waimiha was virgin native forest, under the Discharged Soldier's Settlement Act of 1915, Special Tenure. The Land Laws of 1908 and for Settlement Land of 1908 was put into place for the Soldier's ballot with greater advantages under the Act for our Returned Veterans W.W.1. This was without competition. Part of the law was to empower the Government to assist our heroes in every possible way.
The Government did not comply under the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act 1915.
This, they did not do.
My father, Noel William George Peterson the only son, 99 years of age this Christmas day, a Native, Waimiha from Rangitoto Tuhua, King Country. Dad was born on the 25th December 1918. My dad was named after William George McNeight, a Native of the King Country. This was my dad's mother's brother, who had been sent back out onto the battlefield after been hospitalised from receiving war injuries, only to have died on the battlefield a couple of months later in France on 1/10/1918, before Dad was born. Dad witnessed the hardships that both families went through, the troughs and the highlights. King Country life was robust.

My dad and "Roy"

My dad Noel and his sister Phyllis.
By 1920 the families pledged to realise a new future and, in doing so, put into practise what had gone before in Mokauiti Valley. Below are the Deeds of the two farms in Mokauiti being merged with the greater estate.

My grandparents and great grandparents worked to break in enough land to establish a living, but really had no interest in cutting further their large stands and acreage of native trees, leaving them for their future generations for the Peterson and McNeight families, and New Zealand, to enjoy.
Phyllis and dad (background) at Waimiha 1922.

My dad remembers his parents as hardy, pioneering, resourceful farmers who had a love for the land and the native trees on it. Between 1916/20's my family had built dwellings, cleared the land they needed for their ten cows and had established a dairy plant and cheese factory to supply the locals and generally helped to assist newcomers, as my family were well established. On the left is Dad's sister Philys and on the right, is a three year old boy, now coming up a great grand age of 99; my Dad.
Great grandfather Hugh McNeight with my dad in Waimiha.
You will notice with these two documents, dated 1923 has a CV value of £4,742 with Peterson's name on Endean's Timber Cruise Sheet. One year later Peterson's name has been crossed out with the valuation being dropped by £3,505. Peterson's block has been transferred into Endeans Sawmill Co. Ltd as occupier. This transfer was done by the Commissioner of Crown Lands H.M.Skeet, without the consent of Peterson. This is where Government had breached. Section 10 of the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act of 1915.

The document stamped 1916/1917 proves that my grandparents received their land before the poster was published on the 23/8/1920. That's why there was a sale plan and mortgage with land value and no remaining number of years left on Peterson's lease, for there was no lease as William and Marjorie purchased the Block for Settlement under the Act.
The document from Head Office, Lands and Survey dated 1/4/1927 signed by the Commissioner of Crown Lands, had presented that Peterson's mortgage had been repaid in full. 1927 is where the Goverment used their powers and laws to disadvantage Peterson, having them forfeited as ( “Ditto” ) for non compliance of contract. Ditto does not comply under section 10 of the Act for this is freehold land. Peterson had fulfilled the contract and beyond. They were only seeking financial assistance for grass seed and fencing. Government was empowered to assist financially under section 6 of the Act which was declined by Government

(lese majesty)
The title Deed of the estate was completed in 1920, as it was quite common to receive their titles some years later. For when the soldiers returned from war they were placed on the land immediately to have them settled, not for them to hang around for 5 years before receiving the land for settlement, as this would have created a large demand on Government where land was put aside for discharged soldiers.
The map below shows the soldiers who received ballot land. Note that several names on Soldier's Holdings have been crossed out, only to have their rights forfeited a couple of months later. Government were forecasting for financial gain against the Crown on Soldier's Holdings.

Government was forecasting on how to abuse our heroes to advantage the speculators within Government for future profits. Not only on Peterson's block, but along with many other Soldier's Holdings by bringing in the Public Works Act under the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Amendment Act 1916. This would not comply under the Schedule for Selection of Land by Soldiers.
(Refer to this historic document below Memorandum of Mortgage under Discharged Soldiers Settlement Amendment Act 1915) This document is false, for there is no Amendment in 1915 for this Act.
This document was solely created for the timber contract with Endean with the same Government Official, (Commissioner of Crown Lands, H.M.Skeet) who had used his powers to disadvantage His Majesty the King and Peterson on Soldier's Holdings on several occasions for the speculators to profit. This was to allow the timber merchant from paying out royalities to Peterson, for all royalities must go into the Soldier's Accounts to be used for improvements under Section 6 of the Act and Section 2 of the Amendment.

When stated in the Ministry of Justice report that this was a clerical error. Yes, the Ministry of Justice was correct in saying it was a ministrated clerical error,for this was to financially disadvantage the soldier, leading into illegal bankruptcies on their holdings.
Later on Government introduced the Land Act of 1924 solely for soldier's holdings including Peterson's Estate, so they can illegally confiscate, what they could not confiscate under the Public Works Act. Later to be a part of the investigation into the Land Board by Government. (Another Act of lese majesty)
The Government selling off Soldier's Holdings to civilians one year later.

When asking the ( Minister of Land information New Zealand Hon Louise Upston ) to have the fees waivered so as to advance my research, she declined and then passed me back to the Select Committee, who also choose not to address the treasonous activities leading into illegal bankruptcy on soldier's holdings. Remember she is a Minister representing the NZ Government and should address this immediately.
Another Minister in denial by not addressing the Treason which has been raised with documents of proof in Parliament.
Remember that Peterson's Improvements have increased to over several thousands of pounds, where they have established themselves with 20 working tracks, dwellings, sheds, cows, fencing and clearing enough land to service the lifestyle they were accustomed to. This industry would have taken several years to establish. All tthat was required was fencing wire and grass seed, where the Government had declined again by the Commissioner of Crown Lands. (H.M.Skeet)
In 1920 Peterson was under Special Tenure (No.S.T.L/ D.S.641), but by 1923 Government changed Peterson to DS 641 without the Special Tenure, then in 1925 it's now a D. 641, when neighbouring soldiers remained under Special Tenure. Treason.

The Government was empowered to assist financially in every possible way, to provide the necessities of farming life to be able to support themselves. This is recorded in the New Zealand Gazette. The Government's responsiblity was to keep a watchful eye on our soldiers and to get them settled as soon as they returned from the Great War. The Government was to make sure they were growing towards an established working unit, and to be respected in a stately manner, necessary for settlement and the region, and necessary for their well-being.
This is recorded in the New Zealand Parliamentary Debates from 1914.

The NZ Land Board declined financial assistance without reason. This is a breach of Section 6 of the D.S.S.Act of 1915 towards our returned soldier William Magnus Peterson and his family lifestyle in 1921 and again in 1923.
Their whole way of life had changed with the flick of a pen. this was done without reason, all from a memo to Land Board, saying not to assist financially W.M. Peterson on the said estate, Block V. The Government was empowered to assist financially and to fulfill the contract under the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act of 1915. Section 6 for freehold, under Special Tenure, without competition.

The Government of the day was empowered under the Discharged Soldiers Act of 1915 to provide all assistance to returned soldiers.

Why was William Peterson declined financial assistance?
Please refer to the report from the Ministry of Justice 14-2-2017 page 5 paragraph 9.
Several years previously we requested under the Official Information Act (OIA) the relevant documents. The only time that Government can decline is when this affects National Security. We challenged the Ministry of Justice using the OIA for many years for Government to release their documentation of their evidence. We have been declined, so why is my Grandfather's estate and my claim affecting National Security? Is it because treason has been raised on several occasions with the supporting documents of proof?
NZ Government have chosen not to address the treasonous acts, for this is treason within itself. The only experience the Justice Department have for historic claim is through the Treaty of Waitangi. My claim is the first one of its kind. Ministry of Justice are just starting their investigations into the Maori Military Veteran's claims and have no experience in this unique field. Read the Ministry of Justice report.
It has taken my researcher and myself nine years of research to have uncovered corruption within our Government, as the Ministry of Justice and Government correspondences proves it. They are not only perverting the course of justice, but are RACIST.
We wish to have our Court hearing in the Highest Court in this Country or England to be heard in front of a Drury. The Maori Military Veteran's claim are being held on a Marae. This affects all our Soldiers - not Maori only. Why is this held on a Marae and not in a Court of Law, so the people of New Zealand can be informed? Did we all not fight together as British subjects? ( Refer to Attestation of the NZ Expeditionary Force) W.W.1 records are freely available on Archway NZ.
( Refer to Solicitor General of New Zealand on their response) dated 16/5/2017.
These are the grounds why we have set up a GIVE A LITTLE under soldiersclaim, for our Justice system is corrupt. We need funding to enable us to gather a legal team to redress these illegal acts on Soldier's Holdings. Successsive Government past and present have violated our heroes and our human rights as a native.
The Ministry of Justice has put their own personal opinion of events in what took place. Bloody disgrace when my grandfather served our country on two other military conflicts off shore. ( Refer to page 4 paragraph 4 dated 14/2/2017). When requesting the Solicitor General to investigate the false allegation which the Ministry of Justice publicly published their report, along with the Primary Production Select Committee, for not acknowledging my overview with the contents and with documents of treason, leading into the illegal bankruptcies on soldiers holdings. The Solicitor General chose not to address the seriousness of our official complaint and have ignored this today.
The Solicitor General states that Crown Law don't have the ability to order an investigation into the criminal activities that have been raised within Parliament. Refer to response from Solicitor General of NZ Crown Law dated 16/5/2017 and refer to the Solicitor General's letter to the Waitangi Tribunal dated 16/6/2017 with their full support for the Maori Military Veterans inquiry wai 2500.
Crown Law should be representing our Returned Veterans.
The Solicitor General has segregated our claim under 6AA(2) Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975.
The Peterson and McNeights were not the only farmers to take up the prospects of a new future in the Soldier's Settlement Blocks of Waimiha. There were many neighbouring properties in a similar position. The Ministry of Justice states in their report out of the 25 sections there were 29 applicates for the ballot, but only 25 were chosen, 17 were put onto the land, with the remaining 8 of the soldier's sections being sold by the same Commissioner of Crown Lands, ( H.M.Skeet ) who was one of the Ministers responsible for the financial assistance to be given to returned servicemen.
This they declined to my family on two occasions, where Government was empowered to assist soldiers under Section 6 of the Act. Same Commissioner transferring soldier's land to cilivians which was put aside for Discharged Soldiers. Government was now dealing with civilians and businessmen with parliamentary connections with the devaluation on Soldier's estates.

Government gave civillians, along with the speculators, rent remissions, devaluation on Soldier's Holdings, no improvement value, new title numbers, which are not published in THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, as was required by Law. This too, came with a new contract for the civillians without any timber cutting right's, along with a new renewable 66 year lease, with the Right of Purchase. All these privledges were given to speculators by Government for the milling of native virgin forest on Soldier's Estates. Shameful.
Today Government has committed treason, for when treason has been raised to the right authorties within Parliament, this must be investigated and not ignored. Refer to all Government communications including Audio with the memo to the. ( 121 Sitting Members in NZ Parliament, dated 13/7/2017 )
Who is also responsible for the Office of Treaty Settlements through the Treaty of Waitangi. This claim has been refused to be recognized under the Treaty of Waitangi as a Native. ( Refer to First SCHEDULES ARTICLE THE THIRD) Treaty of Waitangi 1840—1975.
The question is. “ Why would our claim go through the Office of Treaty Settlements to be reviewed, when the Ministry of Justice along with the Waitangi Tribunal will not recognize my claim as a native within the Treaty Settlements?”
Under the wai 2500 Maori Military Veterans have been recognised by Government, where Government refuses to recognise our claim with documentation of proof being provided as events since 2010.
This explains where our historic documents of evidence along with years of our research has been used to advance Treaty claims under wai 532 from our corrupt lawyer, Janet Mason of Wellington NZ Click on letters 30/06/2013 A . How many other Treaty claims have been advanced by other people's research? ( Refer to the correspondence to Judge Issac who is heading up the wai (2500 )
Click on 13/10/2015 and the response 11/03/2016

Government selling off soldiers estates by hiding it under Native Land Act of 1909 Section 385 making this freehold, where the government can then transfer into Provisional State Forest over to State. In the eyes of those who wished to prosper from the (native) timber wealth, would see commercial interests appear to contrive, through those sympathetic in the government (of the day), to make it theirs. Section 10 of the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act 1915 was for the protection of our veterans to stop the speculators. Refer to the Ministry of Justice report on page 7 paragraph 15. If the Ministry of Justice had done their research they would realise what section 10 was.

It is quite clear that they have not read the D.S.S.Act 1915 and with these maps above, proves that the speculators were NOT the soldiers, but the GOVERNMENT. The D.S.S. Bill of 1915 Hansards debates had their final reading on the 14/9/1915. Parliamentary Debates (Hansards) makes this perfectly clear for the protection of our soldiers.

These three documents above show that Government are hiding Soldiers Holdings under false sections, 3, 5, and 6 do not exist and have not been gazetted as stated.
The tragedy is the realisation that my forebears who had fought for King "without competition" and Country, were granted land as a gift for services rendered from the King to be administered by the New Zealand Government, in recognition for their enormous contribution. This was later ruthlessly cleared for its natural resource by influential commercial interests with the apparent cooperation of certain government ministers from 1914 to the present date.
It is my ambition to seek redress on behalf of my grandparents and my 98 year old dad and those who sacrificed so much, so that part of history is set right for the Kiwis who gave of themselves to defend our country and ultimately lost the very thing they had fought to hold most dear.

Endean's timber merchant of Auckland acquiring soldiers holdings

Businessman from Auckland requiring Soldiers Holding's with Government assistance behide closed doors. ( Backroom Boy's 1914) lese majesty.
In order to capitalise on other balloted farms' timber merchants from Auckland were signing their own contracts for the cutting rights, with the backing from the government. The Peterson block drew special commercial attention.
The Transfer Deed of K15922 does not exist,so therefore how does the Government transfer the deed?

Government created a new document to hide K15922 to benefit the Auckland timber merchant. (Endeans Sawmill Co. Ltd. Of Waimiha)
Government illegally bankrupting and subdividing Peterson's Holding while he was serving again for his country in Samoa.
Remember that the Waimiha land parcels honoured a commitment from the Crown to the returned soldiers who had fought for King and Country in World War One.

The Auckland Mounted Rifle in Egypt awaiting transport to Gallipoli.

His Majesty King George V
My dad recalls how his mother, my grandmother Marjorie use to get upset when delivering the mail to see pack horses had died exhausted through mud on the tracks and been discarded down the bush tracks, where she frequently rode. My grandmother was very familiar within these back blocks, Marjorie rode for His Majesty Postal Service for the Rural Delivery , for she was the only communication to the outside world delivering the mail for the settlers in the outbacks of the King Country, which is located in the central North Island. My grandparents block had 20 tracks going off in all directions. They were not unfamiliar with the rigors and hardships that lifestyle presented.

One of the 40 tracks on Peterson's property used by Majorie when delivering the post by horseback.
By 1920 they were established and had a small cheese factory to try to provide much needed income, putting the money received into fulfilling their contract with the Crown on the Waimiha land.
My family was excluded from Revaluation of property. This remained at a high rate, while the neighbours were assisted by Government to devalue Soldier's Holdings by 70% at the same time Government had sent my grandfather to serve in Samoa.
Then to have the estate sold on to a civilian at a fraction of it's wealth in 1929. Under 216 of the Land Act 1924 and Section 12 of the Land Laws Amendment Act 1927. It is debatable whether my family were aware of this, as decisions made in Auckland did not reach into small isolated settlements, miles from the nearest town that lay through rugged bush that had no electricity, no phone and a bullock track, impassable in Winter.

Advancements were declined on two occasions. This was non compliance under section 6 of the act from the NZ Land Board, 1921 & 1923.
There are three documents above showing how Government assisted neighbours financially on several occasions, but not in the case of my grandparents. They were finding it increasingly difficult to make the farm profitable, without the grass seed required as a necessity of their life. (Refer to the D.S.S Act 1915.) My family were the orginial pioneers, who had worked so hard for years to break in the land and create a working unit for their future generations, which was required under the Act. This we do know through the historic evidence; that my family had no intentions to abandon the estate, let alone have the estate go through an illegal bankruptcy for a timber merchant, to have some speculator take advantage with Government assistance.
Endean from Auckland, a Timber Merchant and publican who was assisted financially on all occasions to ( Refer to paper past) bankrupt farmers ( Auckland Star, volume LVIII,issue 127, 1 June 1927) for their timber rights.Then to have influence of power behind closed doors in Parliament, to have my grandfather drafted with the Military Police in Samoa around that time, leaving no man to take care of the estate and his family.
Dad recalls his dad saying: “We are going to starve.” This gave the Government the opportunity to illegally seize the estate.They then proceeded to put my grandfather through an illegal bankrupcy for non compliance of contract, while he was serving in Samoa, having been drafted.
Why would you draft a returned veteran, the only able bodied man with a young family who had a farm which needed constant attention. When there were Military Police available?
The question in hand is: Why would the New Zealand Government want my grandfather out of the Country in his time of family need ?
My dad was only a boy of nine having to take on manhood as his grandparents were elderly, left with his younger sister and mother. If it were to be challenged, for the failure of the Government to comply with the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act 1915 under Section 6 for Advancements and the contract with the binding law, embarrassing questions would have to be answered, as they would be today.
Government refused to act on the evidence of Historic documents that were provided, whereas support is provided for the Treaty of Waitangi with a similar claim. Refer to the audio of the overview dated 6/9/2016.
All went to war as British subjects 1914-18.
In fact, the Government had compromised their own Minister of Lands (D.H.Guthrie) on the 13th February 1921 when the Act clearly stated that farmers in the Petersons' situation, be deemed exempt from payment of rent if financial assistance were required. In William Magnus Peterson's case the Government was in breech of their duty in declining dad's parents twice, once on the 31/2/1921 and again on 31/8/1923 ( two of which declarations are shown below).

After receiving ballot land under the D.S.S. Act of 1915 with mortgage repaid in 1927, the family was forced to walk off as there were limited resources provided by Government for the farm's further development and the absent of the only able man of the family, William Peterson his wife Marjorie, their children Noel and Phyllis along with Hugh and Fanny McNeight their grandparents by agendas that bore no concern towards the pioneering spirit of farming families and the close communities they lived in at that time.

Peterson's mortgage is repaid in full. In reading through the Ministry of Justices report the obvious question that is asked was why he had a mortgage when it had been repaid. No further investigation was carried out. (Refer to the Ministry of Justice report)
The document above is one of the reasons why the New Zealand Government today is refusing to redress the wrongs. The Government introducing Laws to take advantage of our Soldiers by introducing forfeiture on freehold title under Section 118 of the Land Act of 1924.This was to benefit Members of Parliament and their speculator friends. This law of 1924 would not apply to our Soldiers Holders under the Act.
Comment from the Ministry of Justice states the need for further investigation, as they cannot understand why Peterson had a mortgage on Soldier's Holdings. Funny that !
This claim should never have been passed over to the Office Of Treaty Settlements from the Primary Production Select Committee, for they were aware that the OTS is a part of the Ministry of Justice with the support from the Solicitor General into the wai 2500 Maori Military Veterans claims. (Refer to the Solicitor General's letter dated 16/6/2017) . This is showing racism under Section 6 of the Treaty of Waitangi, stating one must be Maori. Is this not a conflict of interest by the New Zealand Government? Why is the Government acknowledging the Maori Veterans but refusing to acknowledge this claim? We all served as British subjects.
This is not an historic Maori Land claim, where it can be settled behind closed doors on a marae.
The answer is - It's too late, because after the Government investigation finished in 1932, thousands of our heroes were forced off their holdings, rather than face starvation. In some way, you could call this a political holocaust. Refer to audio Some Members from the Select Committee were pointing the finger at the Labour Party for their actions towards our soldiers. For these events in history, was not the Labour Party at fault ?

The fraudulent agreement ref.17/1/100. Endean forfeited this contract because of non compliance.

3 million board feet was to be removed for the purposes of building a mill. Note the dates.

Fraudulent signature.

William Peterson's true signature.

Marked in blue is Peterson's real signature, which has been copied from his letter in 1936.
The other signature is forged for the Timber Merchant, Endean, with the support from the Commissioner of State Forest.
One of the only two files retrieved by the Ministry of Justice showed that there was no agreement with Matiere Sawmill with regard to the State Forest Service ( file 17/1/100) which is held in Archives NZ.
Ministry of Justice is covering its' tracks. The contract for 12 years' cutting rights, for 3,000,000 board feet, was only to erect a timber mill by Endean as stated on document above and in files for 1 year, not 12 years. Government required the whole estate for milling.
Once again the merit of the Ministry of Justice needs to be questioned, along with our Justice system. For the report from the Ministry of Justice, received on the 14/ 2/ 2017, on which they base their report on only two files, Government are lacking the evidential documentation. We have well over 300 authenticated documents, and the origins for our historic claim. This does not include the private collection. This explains why our Government is in denial. When we attended Parliament on 3/11/2016, they did not wish to view the evidence of truth. (Refer to some of our Historic documents from our research evidence.)
There are many more research centers than Archives Wellington. The Government should have explored these avenues before making any decisions and before publishing their report, seemingly with no accountability and merit. (Refer to Solicitor General 5/4/2017)
My grandfather was the only returned veteran drafted into Permanent Military Forces 1928 from his Soldier's Settlement Waimiha District under the Defence Act of 1909.
This region is in the middle of the North Island known as the King Country. For the remaining members of my family, my great grandparents, Hugh and Fanny McNeight who were elderly, along with my grandmother Margorie, my dad who was only 9 and his younger sister, all buried together as a family in the King Country. Government had forced three generations from their Estates.
Government has denied 6 generations of their entitlement under the British Sovereign as natives. All for the wealth of some of the most dense native forest in the North Island of New Zealand. My family had no alternative but to walk away. Government was determined to destroy our family unit for a timber merchant, even though the mortgage on the estate was paid off.

Above is my grandfather (centre) when serving with the Military Police in 1928 in Samoa and below under Permanent Forces. Note that his name has been changed and is now spelt with an (e), with very little information about him on his Samoan .

Note that the spelling of Peterson and signature are incorrect. Would it not be reasonable to suggest that William Magnus Peterson knew how to spell and sign his own name ?
Military form. No marriage, no children, no longer a farmer or the previous region where he had been farming for 12 years prior. Government changed his status. Government had Peterson drafted into Samoa so that they could put him through bankruptcy while serving in Samoa. This then gave Government and a prominent businessman the control of the Peterson's estate, along with all timber rights. SHAMEFUL!!!!
The First and Second World War Military records show that Peterson was spelt and signed correctly. (Refer to Military Records in Historic documents) Back in 1921, Peterson's contract for the timber rights was only for 3,000,000 bt to erect a mill only. Government changed the spelling of Peterson with an (a) (Paterson.) This too had another forged signature of Peterson with the incorrect spelling. This from a law firm that was representing the timber merchant.
In the Parliamentary Debates 1914 a committee was formed known as (The Back Room Boys.) This was to address serious issues that they thought need not to be raised in Parliament, as these issues could be redressed behind closed doors.This is the beginning of a Committee who had chosen to go against King and Country for personal and financial gain on Soldier's Holdings. ( Ref: NZ Year book 1931 pg. 413 revaluation of Soldiers Property.)

The Members of the "Back Room Boys" extended not only into Lands and Survey and other important Government Departments. This gave them an opportunity to use their powers to introduce other legislation to take advantage of our Soldiers. Refer to dated 28/04/2017 to Prime Minister of New Zealand. Still waiting on reply.
This was to benefit the Backroom Boy's and their mates for financial gain, alleging that the property had been 'abandoned' while he was serving in Samoa and that the contract with the Crown had not been fulfilled.
This was not the case, as my family had fulfilled the contract and beyond, towards the Crown. Soldier's were powerless to address these treasonous activities that Government created against the Crown. This is happening to us today.
( Refer to document dated 5/4/2017) The Solicitor General and her reply dated on the ( 16/5/2017 ), along with the list Officials have chosen not to address the treasonous activities towards our returned veterans from the Great War. We are getting the same treatment with the same response from Government today. The soldiers never stood a chance. History is repeating itself (Refer to Parliamentary Debates from 1892—1954).

The parties that we have involved are: Lawyer, Janet Mason, Legal Aid, Judge Issac, Judge Doogan, Law Society, Law Commissioner, Ombudsman, Susan Devoy (Race Relations, Human Rights Commissioner) Amy Adams, Minister of Justice, Ministry of Justice, Crown Law, Legal Aid Tribunal, Chris Finlayson, Waitangi Tribunal, Minister of Defence, nine members from the Select Committee, Solicitor General, Governor Generals, (past and present) Auditor General, Serious Fraud, Andrew Little, David Parker, Winston Peters, Te Ururoa Flavell, Prime Minister (Bill English) Media. Our Government conspired against our soldiers for over 100 years. Now it's catching up with them.
Documentation of proof has been provided over the years to the Parliamentary Members and Government Departments who hold the portfolios and who are responsible for redressing our Historic grievances. ( soldiersclaim.) Government could not provide nor respond to any information when requested, using the Official Information Act.
( Refer to Memo dated 13th July 2017 to all Sitting Members of Parliament. )
When one has a degree hanging on the wall, does not mean that they are the expert? The report from the Ministry of Justice suggests that they are. Refer to Ministry of Justice report dated 14/02/2017.
The Acts that Government conspired, leading to illegal bankruptcies on Soldiers Holdings for financial gain, has affected thousands of Veterans and their families. If the veterans knew what was taking place behind closed doors within our New Zealand Parliament, when conspiring to go against our King and Country with our heroes, this would have been a national scandal and a major political issue, like it would be today. (Refer to W.G. Allan's masters thesis from 1967, University of Canterbury, 1967 : Page: 43. National scandal including
political issue, including to the present date. )
When Peterson returned from Samoa after being stabbed in the head, there became a breakdown of their family unit, he then moved North to where his parents resided. His father was a sea captain. William Magnus Peterson was also a seaman of knowledge, for farming was not the only blood line that ran through his veins. Knowing the coastline very well over the years, he then gave his services again for W.W.11, for he had a sea captain's knowledge.
At this juncture it is clear to me having researched archives and many other Government Departments over the past 9 years, to discover these facts that from the start of tenure there were people in and outside of Government who conspired to see these returned veterans compromised for capital and commercial gain. Hugh McNeight would have felt he had lost everything - first their only son, then their farms and then the hard-working life style they would have been accustomed to, Hugh died 1928, one year after being forced to leave their lifestyle behind. All for timber.

Waiting on the assignees decision.

The Government bankrupting William Magnus before the final report was filed.

Assignees decision showing that all monies had been paid in full.
1929 would prove to be a pivotal year. Whilst he was serving in Samoa, the Government sought to bankrupt William Magnus in his absence. This was all pending on the Official Assignee's decision. The decision from the assignee was that all debts had been paid in full and asked for him to be released. Bank statements show payments going into their farm account up until 1936. ( Refer to documents below )

Having served in Samoa as a part of the New Zealand Military Police contingency he had returned to New Zealand in the belief that his estates were still solvent and the declaration above is a testament of this.
Not satisfied, the Government went against the Assignee's decision in 1929 and bankrupted them before the decision was finalised.
The estate had been transferred under Section 385 into the Native Land Act of 1909, then transferred to Provisional State Forest, then into State Forest ownership. The estate sold on improvement value for £405, with rates deduction and a devaluation of land. Remember this went to a civilian. My family's estate was then subdivided by government - all with new contracts - while my family were going through bankruptcy without their knowledge. (Real quick)
This must go through arbitration under Section 9 of the Land Laws Amendment Act 1912 and Section 33 of 1913

It is doubtful that my grandparents even knew of this on his return from Samoa in August, 1929. My grandfather had refused to sign the cutting rights for the milling of native timber from their estate. This sticking point ran contrary to the interests of those who wished to take control of their estate. All the Peterson and McNeight clan were interested in was to farm and for the trees to stand as a testament to time.
The milling company finally had what they needed to prosper, and by 1938 had finished a horse-drawn tramway to the property ready to erect a timber mill. To this day not one virgin native tree is standing. Again shameful.
The Government illegally leased the estate to a civilian excluding the trees with a new 66 year lease for a minimum rental of £5 per annum in 1931 not recognizing the existing improvements and value that had been made to section 2 Block V Hurakia S.D. (survey district). This came with no timber rights.
Government and the timber merchant Endean, now had full control of all timber cutting and milling rights on my grandparent's estates. This would explain the outcome of the Government investigation into the Land Board for the misuse of Soldiers Accounts after an 11 year investigation. It's taken us almost 11 years also to uncover the misuse of soldier's accounts and to retrieve all documents of the parties involved.
The only bit of protection for our returned servicemen was published at the end of the investigation, by then this was too late. The Government breached all aspects of the bidding laws that were laid down to protect our veterans to prevent this ever happening. This was acknowledged in the New Zealand Gazette, dated Thursday the 19/2/1931 pg. 409 under (Board of Trade Trading-stamp Regulations; Regulations,) (5) . This would have covered the illegal bankruptcies on Soldiers Holdings back then. This has never been addressed nor actioned by Government, even today.
(audio) and ( Overview of Primary Production Select Committee 3/11/2016 ) Treason has been raised on three occasions in Parliament. There is a reason why Government will not address the treason as they have the most to lose, starting with Regulations (5) Trading-stamp Regulations. Still stands today.
It is relevant that in 1936 the 'Fair Rents Act Law' was passed by Parliament. This meant that not only returned veterans but civilians carrying any existing debt would have been written off. For all the sacrifice that my family has given this country you would expect the Government to have respect and to address this, not to have covered it up. This also includes the media today.

Today we understand why the Peterson and McNeight families have been discriminated. ( Refer to documents Ministry of Justice 14/2/2017) Government expert Professor Ashley Gould changing the course of history to enhance his thesis and the Treaty of Waitangi. (Proof of gratitude) . This is one of many reasons that we choose not to use his thesis as reference to further our research, as it has many flaws which you will see in his published report. In the court of law, he has no credibility nor merit.
All of our 9 years of dedicated research to date have led us to conclude that they, the families, were compromised and badly misrepresented by the Government. It was a breach-of-duty to a returned serviceman. (see photo below).
I am seeking redress on behalf of my 99-year-old father, Noel William George Peterson, who also served his country off snd is William Magnus Peterson's only son, badly compromised in life by the loss of family justice.

This is my father Noel William George Peterson just before leaving the shores for war W.W.11. 1939-1945
In order to progress this claim and bring action, we need to take this out of New Zealand for our Justice system in New Zealand is too corrupt. You have just viewed the history of our justice system, past and present, as it pertains to our claim.
What conclusions have you reached?

This photo is my grandfather in the Auckland Mounted Rifles, William Magnus Peterson before leaving the shores for war. W.W.1 1914-1918

The man holding the sign 13th Auckland Mounted Rifles is my grandfather.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
My grandparents, dad's parents, above on the left, Margorie Spence McNeight & William Magnus Peterson, their wedding day, 1917. Above right, my mum & dad married before dad leaving the shores for war; 1940.
This needs to be addressed urgently, and we would appreciate any assistance to allow us to bring justice to our family and the many others, for one of your ancestral veterans could also be a victim of these horrendous crimes of treason. Legal support for funding for a challenge against themselves, even though they do fund challenges for others (more well-known) land claims.
We are looking for financial support to take the New Zealand Government to court and to hold the Government accountable for their actions, past and present. Donations would be used only for legal representation, as all documentation has been gathered for a successful outcome. Donations (recorded) can be made to our account WPACNZ2W 03-0415-0630514-25.
Thank you - my dad is not getting any younger for him to see justice. Our time is ticking for our Military Veteran's, our Heroes.